- What the F(it)!
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- WTF! This week learn about Intermittent Fasting (IF)
WTF! This week learn about Intermittent Fasting (IF)
What the F(it)…..
Whether you're an IF aficionado, a curious kitchen knight, or someone who's just looking for a laugh between bites, join us this week on this epic quest to unravel the mysteries of Intermittent Fasting. We'll answer the burning questions:
Can you really survive on humor alone?
Will a parrot ever recommend kale over coconuts?
Is fasting just a fancy word for holding out until the pizza arrives?
What you will learn in less than 5 Minutes:
What the F(it): Intermittent Fasting vs. Starvation
Social Post of the week: Fasting story with Thomas Delauer
Spotlight: Introducing our IF expert Manish Singh

“Eating seeds as the past time activity.”
Serj Tankian

Navigating the Fine Line: Intermittent Fasting vs. Starvation

Gif by SPTV on Giphy
Picture this: you're stranded on a deserted island with nothing but a coconut tree, a talking parrot, and an empty stomach. In this dire scenario, you might find yourself pondering the difference between intermittent fasting and, well, good old-fashioned starvation. Fear not, fellow castaways; in this blog post, we'll explore the thin line that separates these two intriguing dietary approaches.
The Basics of Intermittent Fasting:
Intermittent fasting (IF) is the cool kid on the dietary block, hailed for its potential health benefits and weight management perks. In a nutshell, IF involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. The fasting windows can vary, with popular methods like the 16/8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hours eating) or the more audacious 5:2 (five days of regular eating, two days of restricted calories).
Did someone say fast eating?
Enter Intermittent Faster, stomach growling, but with a plan.
Intermittent Faster: "Ah, the sweet sound of my stomach reminding me that I'm on the express train to fat-burning town. Fear not, dear belly, feasting time is nigh!"
The Drama of Starvation:
On the flip side, we have starvation – the involuntary version of fasting that happens when there's a severe lack of food. It's not a lifestyle choice; it's more of a survival-mode situation. Starvation involves prolonged periods of insufficient calorie intake, leading to malnutrition and a host of health issues.
Meet Starvy McStarvation, stomach making whale sounds.
Starvy McStarvation: "Day 462 on this deserted island, and I've mastered the art of conversing with coconuts. The parrot's giving me nutrition advice, but I'm beginning to suspect he's not a licensed dietitian."
The Thin Line:
Now, let's address the million-dollar question: What separates the intentional fasting of IF from the involuntary hardship of starvation?
1. Choice Matters:
- IF is a deliberate choice, a conscious decision to regulate eating patterns for health or weight management.
- Starvation is thrust upon you, usually involving involuntary circumstances like being stranded on an island or stuck in a never-ending elevator.
2. Nutrient Intake:
- Intermittent fasters typically prioritize nutrient-dense foods during their eating windows, ensuring they get a balance of essential nutrients.
- Starvation often leads to a lack of crucial nutrients, resulting in malnutrition and its accompanying woes.
3. Duration:
- Intermittent fasting involves specific time frames for eating and fasting, with breaks to refuel.
- Starvation implies a prolonged and indefinite period of insufficient calorie intake.
So, there you have it – the quirky distinction between intermittent fasting and its less glamorous cousin, starvation. Whether you're choosing to skip a meal for health benefits or engaging in a tropical adventure with a coconut connoisseur, understanding the nuances can make all the difference. After all, humor and a well-fed belly might just be the keys to survival, deserted island or not!

Thomas Delauer
An amazing resource on IF

Manish Singh

This week we have Manish Singh walking us through understanding Intermittent fasting (IF). He will go through what it is, how it works, the benefits and tips on how to get going,
Manish is a seasoned professional with a diverse skill set. As a former kickboxer and lifelong martial artist, he brings discipline, determination, and resilience to every endeavour.
He hasd a wide range of credentials including a bachelor’s in animal physiology, certification in fitness, nutrition and an ATG Coach.
He is dedicated to optimizing performance and well-being. With a unique perspective as an Uncommon Athlete. He blends his experiences to deliver personalized performance oriented training.
Manish is on a mission to extend beyond physical prowess, aiming to empower individuals to break boundaries and redefine their limits.
To a realm where performance meets empowerment, and each session is a step towards unleashing your extraordinary potential.
Tomorrow Manish dives into Intermittent fasting, so get those taste buds ready to get a taste of IF!
Find Manish on Instagram Here