Unblocking the Power of Intermittent Fasting


Manish Singh

Find Manish on Instagram Here

Unblocking the Power of Intermittent Fasting:
A journey to a Healthier You 


You may want a healthier version of yourself?

You may want to increase productivity, focus or enhance your cognitive abilities... 

You may want to get rid of mental fog then read this blog and take the very first step towards a transformative journey to be a better and healthier and more vibrant version of yourself. 


All of these benefits reflect only when you take our ground breaking patented pill woah woooooah just kidding 😜

You may get all these benefits from just fasting for free and with little understanding of fasting or intermittent fasting. 

What is Intermittent fasting? 

Simply, put a time frame where you don’t feed yourself. So, it’s an eating pattern not a diet for me at least! Intermittent Fasting is not just a diet; it’s a lifestyle that has taken the health and wellness world by storm. 

What it is not? 

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Gif by tacomafd on Giphy

A fad 
It’s not a new trend that fitness industry just stumbled upon. It has been around for centuries and almost every culture practices it in some form irrespective of the purpose. 

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A Magic Solution 
As anything good in life same as IF requires a bit of discipline, guidance, and determination. It will not cure you instantly and not one should think like this. Use it as a tool to be healthy along with other factors like movement, sunlight, breath work and many more. 

What counts as a fast? 

If you are eating six meals a day coming down to five is a good start and one hour extra between the meals can also count as a fast for you but it’s just a starting point. For you what counts as a fast is dependent upon your eating habits and your comfort zone around it when you are a beginner.
Eventually, you will make your way to stay without food for 16 hours, 18 hours or 20 hours. It’s all good at the beginning but gradually progress into it. Nose diving is never a way to start anything new and you will end up right where you were. 

Take It Slow Fran Healy GIF by Travis

Gif by travisband on Giphy

Take it slow and make it a way of life that will stick with you for lifetime. Our goal should not be a month or two here!! 

Try to form a habit that you can keep for life. 

What are the benefits of IF? 

Before the Benefits…time for a rant!

We are constantly in a fad state. If you track your eating patterns you will realise that most of the time you are eating out of the habit. You are not hungry but you need something to eat. It’s like your cravings are controlling you and you are a slave to your gut. 

A few examples: 

A movie – Snacks 
Walk - Snack 
Coming home - Snacks 
Going out - Snacks 

Do you really need that and what you ate?? Where did it come from?? Did it make you full?? Was there any requirement for it?? Is there any nutritional value attached to it?? 


You are just subconsciously doing it 

If you eat nutritionally dense meals filled with nutrients you will not feel a need to eat every now and then. Don’t worry you will not decay without a snack.


Now the Benefits:

  1. Cognitive stability 

    Big Brain GIF by Jay Sprogell

    Gif by jaysprogell on Giphy

Your probability to face ups and downs in your energy levels may decrease. Your ability to focus may increase and your attention span may get better and you may get clarity of mind by just not going about life in a fed sugar rushed state. 

  1. Autophagy 

    Clean Up Reaction GIF by Travis

    Gif by travisband on Giphy

It is clearing out your dead cells when your body is in a fasted state and giving time to your own bodies detoxing organs which are liver and kidneys some space to work meticulously. 

  1. Metabolic flexibility 

Switching to nutritional ketosis from glucose and the ability to switch back and forth is a very important one in utilising your stored energy (fat) as a fuel to the body. You may lose weight and loooook better!! 

  1. Improved insulin sensitivity 

The biggest one in my opinion and the most needed during current times where most of the people are losing insulin sensitivity. By staying in a fasted state you may enhance your insulin sensitivity that can improve your health astronomically. 

How can you start your IF journey 

Start by this mantra- 

Take it easy!! 

 Manish's 4 Week Crash Course

To get the IF train started!

If you eat five meals a day 

Week 1 

Increase a bit of time in-between your meals can be an hour or two. 

Week 2 

Now try four meals a day – your body have a time frame of seven days to adjust to a little change. 

Week 3 

Now!! Come down to three meals a day – plenty of time to ease into. 

Week 4 

Two meals a day – Now you are a fasting Pro 🤩 

Look where you were a month ago and now you are a well into your successful journey. Don’t jump right into 

Take it slow – ease into it – take it a step at a time! 

You can not be a world champion by training for two days. 

Take it slow – reap the rewards!! 

Over time you can stretch this out to One meal a day (OMAD) and eat in an eight hour window. This is more commonly known as the 16:8 fasting guidline.


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